Thursday, July 12, 2007

A Hectic Day in a day

Today is my first class for the course of OSM 552- Administrative Database, the first class that I went this morning were my ex students from the previous semester..and the second class was a new batch of students...huhuhu..what a different types of class that I had...why did i say that?

I always wonder am i a good lecturer? Do i able to transfer my knowledge exactly the same that i wish my students will have?Are they afraid of me? hehe...sometimes your wish might not be granted by Allah..why it does not happen exactly like we is something beyond our own ability to the end of the day ..just let it go least you have tried your best.

This article I pick from the unknown online article :

1. Gets the basic info across

Explains facts and experiments clearly and accurately.
2. Makes the immediate point clear

Doesn't recite lists of facts without apparent purpose.

Relates details to point.

Balances specific examples and statements of general principles.
3. Frames the information -- fits it into a bigger picture

Before a topic -- gives an introduction.

After -- gives a summary.

During -- relates pieces to things already said and to come.
4. Proceeds from topic to topic in an organized fashion
5. Uses appropriate visual tools (blackboard, overhead, slides, computers, models etc.) to:

List important points

Show/draw diagrams (or videos, models etc.) to illustrate points that need it
6. Uses board or other visuals in ways that make the material clearer & make note taking easier.

For example, uses visuals that are:

large enough


& use color if appropriate

Gives handouts of complicated diagrams.

Draws steps in a process one at a time, instead of continually modifying a single picture.
7. Answers questions well

Figures out what questioner really wants to know.

Answers the question.

Doesn't go off on a tangent.

Puts off inappropriate questions.

Doesn't insult students.

Makes sure whole class hears both question and answer.
8. Uses technical terms appropriately

Explains new terms.

Doesn't use unnecessary technical terms.

Doesn't slip into lab jargon when inappropriate.
9. Keeps student interest up and tone of class lively

Varies pace of lecture by answering questions, changing tone of voice, etc.

Tells relevant jokes &/or anecdotes.

Shows how technical material relates to some topic of current interest.

Talks to class -- doesn't read a prepared script.

Seems interested in material, not bored.
10. Lectures at an appropriate level

Material is neither too simple nor too advanced.

Rate at which new facts and ideas are presented is reasonable.

Miss Yaumee says: Huhu...i try my best to deliver my knowledge to my students but for sure it is not easy to make it happen...i m still trying...:-)..wish me luck ! what do you say?

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